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When you sing lyrics like “Yes, take it all Lord...”, or when people pray saying “Lord, I give you my life”.
We could continue with prayers of this kind “Lord, I will follow you anywhere.”
Or even requests like “Break me, I want to be humble as you are humble”.

After having sung this kind of words, prayed such prayers or asked such things, it is not uncommon to see that nothing of all that we said remains in our memory.

“Yes, take it all Lord” : But what happens? My God don't forsake me, look I'm persecuted, come, help me.
But you told me to take it all, my child.

Lord I give you my life” : Oh my God, I've lost my job, what am I going to do? Now, I can't pay my bills...
You have given me your life, I am shaping it for the plan I have for you, that's what you asked for.

Break me, I want to be humble as you are humble” : Lord, look how they have hurt me, I pray that you to do me justice...
You want to learn humility, remember, it is not me who is allowing this, but take this opportunity to express your humility my child.

It is in these cases that we say that fortunately God does not always do everything we ask J

When I realize what I say to God, then I'm ready to live what I have just pronounced.

Matthew 6: 7  And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.

When we don't realize what we say to God, then we are not deep in our relationship with Him. When we don’t weigh the words we say to God is to not realize what we say, we then recite phrases that don't mean anything anymore. Then we are surprise to see that not much happens in our spiritual life.

Often not seeing God with our eyes like a normal person, makes us forget that He is our Father who listens to us. Whether God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit, must stay focused on what we say.

Having the same attitude as if I was talking to the most important person on Earth, and at the same time having this thought that tells me that this person loves me unconditionally.

So be vigilant on the lyrics that you sing. Saying “Come Holy Spirit” is useless because the Holy Spirit is omnipresent as God. He is ahead of me in the place where I am going, my place of work or my local church.
This is only an example among many others, what is important is not to sing or speak without thinking what I am singing or what I am saying.

It is not difficult to focus a little more on our words J , you will see, it is a matter of habit. The first thing is to realize that I need to change my way of doing about it. The second thing is to decide to change, simply because I have understood that I don’t recite words to God, I talk to Him with all my heart, with all my love, with all my gratitude. The words I say are important to me, so I'll focus on what I say.

If you start this kind of dialogue with Him, you'll see that everything will become much more powerful, much more real. Your relationship will be revolutionized because you are going to use the words that match with what you have in you. You will not talk or sing mechanically anymore, everything will come from your heart. It's the heart that God judges, that is, it is the thought that is in me that He listens to, and not necessarily the words I say. That’s why my thoughts must be in line with my words and my words must be in line with what the Bible says.

You can declare this aloud: “ From now on I'll be careful with my words before God. I'm going to pay attention to what I say, I don’t want any more to speak some recitations when I talk to God, but my words will now be in agreement with His Word, Amen”.   

Bye for now.

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